Lives and works in Aachen, Nordhrhein Westfalen, Germany
My work is a synthesis of analogue and digital image-making processes that observes and recreates the visual language of internet pop culture as seen in memes, TikToks, and the image manipulation of app filters and imaging technology. My process begins with sifting through the torrent of mainstream imagery and the weirdest, most niche corners of the internet, to lift and archive iconic viral subjects and discomfiting internet oddities. On my graphic tablet, I draw these image artefacts into scenes and portraits of online culture, where the mundane and uncanny can converge and turn meaning-making into an elusive undertaking.
Aufgekochte Milch n.13, 2020, digital painting
Buscemeye Babeye n.5, 2020, digital painting
Noice n.6, 2021, digital painting
Sad Kitty n.2, 2021, digital painting
Two Sisters Say Hi n.8, 2020, digital painting
What If n.6, 2021, digital painting
Beginner Flexibility n.4, 2021, digital painting
Artist Biography
Francesca Larkin (b. 1991) is a Taiwanese-British artist working in painting and digital media. She received her Bachelor of Visual Arts Honours from the Australian National University School of Art in 2013 and is currently based in Germany. She has participated in group shows with the artist group Halle 1 in Aachen and exhibited with Galerie Freitag 18.30.