Lives and works in Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada
Tell us about yourself, how did you become an artist?
Originally, I had no intention of becoming an artist. My goal was to become a curator. Through family support however, I was encouraged to focus my education on a visual arts degree. As a result, I discovered that I benefit and enjoy both experiences in my day to day life.
Called Katrina
What is your background? and how did it inform the focus of your creative exploration or the medium you're currently working with?
I am of South American and Canadian heritage, and both have shaped my experiences as an artist. I currently am focusing on connecting with my Spanish heritage by constantly doing drawings surrounding the cultural holiday of Dias de los Muertos (Day of the Dead).
Mythical Princess, Done in Sketchbook with Pencil
What ideas interested you in the beginning of your practice, which ideas have you continued to explore, and where have they led you?
In the beginning, I was just trying to figure out how to do art while coping with my disability, as it made drawing and painting vey difficult to the point where I needed assistance to sketch a basic outline before I could fill in the shading and depth. Currently, I am working on portraiture and I hope to combine my interest in Spanish Culture with Fantastical Elements. My art practice has also led me to explore my work not just as an "artist" but also in my curatorial practice.
Katrina, Done in Sketchbook with Pencil Crayon
Who were and are the biggest sources of your inspiration?
I know definetely "Classical" Era Walt Disney art (films like Sleeping Beauty). In addition I also find Renaissance art has inspiring artists such as: Titian and Leonardo Davinci. I also am deeply inspired by Picasso's Cubism, and Takeshi Murakami's infusion of Pop Culture and Superflat styles.
The Marigold of the Dead, Done on Procreate with India Ink Brush, HB Pencil Brush, and Wet Acrylic Brush
Where do you find inspiration?
I often find myself looking into Art History books for inspiration. In addition, I often take personal elements of my life (like my dog) and try to twist it with a new Artistic style. Catholicism is also another inspiration of mine, which also is in connection with my love for Spanish Artwork.
The Collery Dam Dog, Done on Procreate with various brush types
Is there are a single work, project, or series that is pivotal in your current trajectory?
No. My goal is only to take my visual art skills to translate into curating and to include my skills as a digital artist.
How did it begin? and how did it evolve?
It started with me trying to find a way into curating. Eventually, it would evolve into working with several different types of media such as acrylic, digital, pencil drawings and pastels. I often try new mediums often to try and push my artistic styles even further.
What were important lessons in the process that you’ve carried forward with you?
Constantly keep practicing and also keep experimenting to push yourself forward!
What are you working on now?
I am currently focused on working on my portraiture and honing my skills on the finer details of a figure or object. This is what I am currently focused on developing my skills in!
Hermoso Cráneo De Azúcar, Oil pastel on paper, 18x24
If you could go back in time to the very beginning of your art practice and give your younger self a single piece of advice what would it be?
I would probably go back and tell my younger self to work and fix my portfolios like my professor asked me to! I would do this to really utilize his critique. I would have also told myself to practice more!
About the Artist
Based in Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada
Christine Battye is an artist out of Nanaimo, British Columbia. Canada who is currently attending Vancouver Island University for a Visual Arts Degree. She has participated in several local art events in her community as both an artist, and as a curator. She likes to focus on various subject matter such as: Skull art, Portraiture, and Abstraction.
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